Thursday, February 10, 2011

Work Exchange

Making some figures for the class exchange gave me the opportunity to just make work without overthinking. After feeling a bit stuck and unsure of the direction of my current work, this exercise helped me to remember what is is that I like about the figure. this gave me the freedom to try to apply some of the input I have gotten on my work such as varring textural applications (using different brush sizes!), and including a bit more narative without spoon feeding. Anyway I had fun and I still like making people.


  1. LOVE these. They all are sharing a "moment" with us as a viewer...without giving up too much of the narrative. It allows us to create our own "story." NICE work.

  2. I found it interesting that these were pretty much the first pieces picked by the other grads to finish. They are great pieces, but I would think they are challenging to finish properly... Can't wait to see what is done with them.

  3. I love these pieces too - I was disappointed not to get on in the exchange. There is a wonderful immediacy about them and the props are really engaging - I am totally stealing the telescope.
